Type Directors Club Reaches Verdict on Perry Mason in favor of… Shine !

SHINE - honored to be included in the Type Directors Club 67th Annual Competition.

This year’s TDC67 Communications Design Competition featured more than 1,500 entries from 66 countries. Only 254 entries were selected as this year’s top winners. In addition to the winning work, 13 TDC judges selected their Judges’ Choice, which are featured in a video as well as in the front of this year’s The World’s Best Typography®, Typography 42 annual.

“Perry Mason” main title logo animations and eight unique end title sequences: Shine designed and animated the main title logo and eight unique end title sequences for Perry Mason. Each main title logo card, designed as if it were created on an animation stand in the 1930’s, was integrated into the scene using rotoscoping and 3D tracking. Each end title sequence was designed to specifically conclude each episode, serving as a visual punctuation as the final scene rings out.


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